This page describes all the changes in every new version of PoiEdit as detailed as possible. Use it to find out if you'd like to install a new version.
Deze pagina beschrijft de details van alle wijzigingen welke zijn doorgevoerd in de nieuwe versie van PoiEdit. Gebruik deze pagina b.v. om te achterhalen of het voor jou interessant is een nieuwere versie te installeren.
PoiEdit 2007.1 (v5.1.0.210 - 2007/02/18)
Bugs FixedOpgeloste Bugs
- The ov2 files PoiEdit outputs were not always correct and could cause TomTom to behave strangely (react slowly when displaying the map, open it's menus slowly, no showing all locations).
- User which have their windows font set to a non standard size experienced an immediate crash when starting up PoiEdit: Access violation at address 0056ED10 in module \'PoiEdit.exe\'. Read of address 00000030.
- When closing and reopening PoiEdit, it would loose some items registered for AutoUpdate.
- During AutoUpdate on Vista under a limited user account (thus not Administrator), PoiEdit would generate a access denied error.
- When changing f.e. country in the AutoUpdate Manager while having items selected in the items list, PoiEdit would cause this horrible error. Access violation at address 004CDD80.
- When you delete a poi location from the list while having Google Maps open in the Map Pane, PoiEdit would display error: "Index out of bounds while deleting a poi location".